Washington Middle School

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Suifaasolo Veevalu

Veevalu, Suifaasolo

Teacher - Special Education


Washington, K’ana

Kaiser Receptionist


Watts, John

Teacher, ELA

Susan Wickwire

Wickwire, Susan

Teacher, Social Studies


Name:                 Susan Wickwire

Pronouns:          she/her

Education:         Whitman College, B.A. Political Science; Syracuse University, Master of Public Administration; University of Washington, Masters in Teaching

How I Got Into Education:  I was leading a non-profit and did not feel in sync with the mission. We had hosted 2 recent high school graduates as interns and, in mentoring them, I realized that I enjoyed helping them learn about our work. This combination of factors pointed me in the direction of teaching.

Hobbies: Reading, Hiking, Watching sports, Travel

Email Address:  stwickwire@seattleschools.org

Caitlin Woods

Woods, Caitlin

Special Education Distinct
