My name is Michael Parker, and I’m excited to enter my fourth year here at Meany! I'm starting my eighth year of teaching overall and my third year of teaching in the Seattle area. I’m originally from Pittsburgh, PA and started my teaching career in Durham, NC with Durham Public Schools.
My wife - Cory - and I moved to Seattle so Cory could begin doctoral work at the University of Washington. I graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with degrees in US History and Political Science and earned a Masters in Teaching degree from the University of Pittsburgh. I started teaching in Durham, NC and also taught in Renton, WA.
My hobbies include reading, watching basketball and going to the movies. I enjoy reading Haruki Murakami and Zadie Smith, rooting for the Philadelphia 76ers and the North Carolina Tar Heels and watching great movies in my spare time.
Education: Christopher Newport University, B.A. English Literature; Middlebury College, M.A. English Literature
How I Got Into Education: I was working as a “Test Electrician” at a shipyard in Virginia in February 2007, checking work and helping fix mistakes. One of the electricians I was working with told me I should teach. I started taking college classes that summer.
Education: Indiana University, Bachelor of Social Work, Loyola University of Chicago, Master of Social Work
How I Got Into Education: My first practicum as a social work student was in a school. I really enjoyed being part of a school team and having a larger picture of the students that I was working with.
Hobbies: Walking, reading, movies and reality television
Education: Boston University, BA; George Washington University, MEd; Seattle University, MLL certification
How I Got Into Education: I have always enjoyed working with kids and love the energy they bring to school. During college, I interned with a program called Peace Games and taught conflict resolution classes to elementary school students. Later, after working as a job coach for adults with developmental disabilities, I knew I wanted to work with this population at a younger stage in their education. These two experiences led me to my career as a Special Education Teacher.
Education: Bachelor of Music (Music Education), University of Washington; M.A. (Music, Conducting), Washington State University
How I Got Into Education: My music teacher taught me conducting when I was in elementary when she saw my potential. I want to be her to discover students’ potential.
EI am privileged as a West Virginia steeltown boy to work at the best school in the state of Washington. I am further humbled as I have the unique and challenging task of working with kids from all over the world from about 30 countries. I am grateful for my wonderful staff and administration who are compassionate, dedicated, groundbreaking leaders of public education and social justice.