Weekly Bulletin

June 28 Bulletin
Washington Middle School Families,
I am ecstatic with the recent announcement that I will serve as your building leader for the 24 – 25 school year. As I move on in my professional career, it has been a dream of mine to have my own building. In collaboration with students, families, and staff, I hope to show off the great things our kids do every day at WMS with the community. It is our time to shine.
This will be my final Principal Message until we return in the fall. However, I will be sending out updates throughout the summer as needed.
I would like to bid farewell to staff who will be leaving us to pursue other endeavors.
Thank you to Rekeicha Washington (Administrative Secretary), Aimee DeWolf (SBIRT), Chaya Rothschild (School Psychologist), Sierra LaPonte (Kaiser Health Center), Sasha Hueston (Science) and Colton DeCarteret (Band). Their contributions to Washington Middle School have been deeply felt and they will be missed by our kids.
I am excited to share that Ms. Lewis is returning to her role as a science and leadership teacher. Ms. Lewis has been instrumental in ensuring student safety and crafting a warm and welcoming environment here at WMS. While I am sad to no longer have her as my administrative partner, I am honored to have her as a classroom teacher in the building.
Also, we are delighted to welcome Mr. Stephen Aguayo as one of our new Special Education Teachers. Mr. Aguayo has been serving students who receive special education services for years, and we are excited for him to bring in his wealth of knowledge. We have Ms. Hall joining us as our attendance secretary. This role has been unfilled most of the year and we are so excited to have someone help us keep more accurate attendance!
WMS thrives due to the dedication and drive of each one of our staff members. I continue to be thankful to work with such a hardworking and dedicated team. Thank you all for your commitment to fostering an environment of learning, compassion, and growth.
We will have updates on new hires when we return towards the fall, including a new Assistant Principal and House Administrator.
I look forward to seeing you all when you return from break. In the meantime, please note:
Belonging and Relationship Crew (BARC) Presents Sixth Grade Orientation:
Tuesday, September 3 from 1 – 4 PM. Information to be shared with families soon. Save the date!
BARC Mentor Training Dates (Pre-Selected 7/8th Graders):
Monday, August 26th and Friday, August 30th from 12 – 4 pm. Information to be shared with mentors by Mr. Martinson and Ms. Kirby at the email provided on their permission slips.
First Day of School
Wednesday, September 4th (No Early Release / Normal Schedule)
Warm regards,
Principal Manriquez
Weekly Bulletin Archive
Jr. Husky Families,
As the year ends, I wanted to share my gratitude for your support of your scholar(s) and the community at large. We strive to make sure our middle school scholars are equipped with the tools necessary to succeed in high school, college, career, and beyond. We have a lot to celebrate prior to our final day of school on June 21st.
This past week:
- Our theater program had 5 viewings of the murder mystery Clue. The cast did a wonderful job showing off their growing performance skills. I am excited to see what they do on the stage next year!
- Orchestra and Band continued to delight our ears with musical performances all week. I know they will be encouraged to continue to perform over the summer and we will see what they can do in the fall.
- Scholars had ice cream at lunch for showing growth in both the Math and Reading MAP and iReady assessments. It is a lot of testing! I continue to be impressed by our scholars’ ability to continue to show off what they learned this year.
- PIA had a special lunch celebration for Pride month with friends. We celebrate all scholars at WMS – with pride!
- 8th Grade Scholars went to Lynnwood Bowl and Skate with their teachers and support staff. It was great to see our kids be kids! They laughed, played, and just had fun. We are thankful for our partnership with Seattle University and their ability to fund the entire trip and food at no cost to scholars.
Please see below for our final end-of-year celebrations. May your summer be filled with joy. I know one thing on my list… a well-deserved nap.
Adrian Manriquez
Acting Principal
8th Grade Promotion Ceremony Security Update
We continue to stay vigilant after the tragic event at GHS. Info about the 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony has been updated. Families can find more information about 8th Grade Promotion on our website.
Keep Your Teen Connected This Summer
Are you looking for support or engaging activities for your student during the summer break? Look no further! Seattle Public Schools (SPS) and our community partners offer a variety of programs and resources to keep students engaged, healthy, and connected. Whether it’s academic enrichment, recreational activities, or mental health support, we’ve got you covered.
Remember to turn in your laptops and chargers! All laptops and chargers not turned in by the end of the year will be charged $350 and $50 respectively.
Time to Collect Signatures!
The yearbook is in, and it is full of memories to last a lifetime. We have a VERY limited supply. It is $30 for a hardcover, 80-page book! The yearbook includes all the WMS sports, clubs, and more! You can click this link or send $30 with your kid to give to Ms. Washington.
Friday Field Trips & Academic Prep This Summer with HOST
P.A.L.S. Summer Camp 2024 has a registration deadline of June 17th. The first 25 students to submit completed forms will be invited to an ice cream social. The camp schedule includes academic focus in the mornings, enrichment classes in the afternoons, and field trips on Fridays. Free transportation, lunch, and snacks are provided. For any inquiries, please contact Mrs. Pablo at pepablo@seattleschools.org.
First Day of School will be Wednesday, September 4, 2024! This day will not be early release.
Preparing for 2024-25 School Year
If your student has an appointment with their health care provider during the summer, this is the perfect time to bring a Medication Authorization Form and check on your student’s immunization status. See SPS Immunization Page for more information. Quick link for Required Immunizations for School Year 2024-2025.
For students entering 7th Grade in the fall:
The Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) vaccine is a booster vaccine which continues to protect your child against these diseases. All students attending 7th grade must have one dose of the Tdap vaccine given at or after age 10 to be in immunization compliance for school.
Hello Families,
Like you, I am deeply disturbed by the gun violence that affects our students. Our hearts go out to the Garfield High School community as they work to recover from this traumatic event. At Washington, we remain committed to prioritizing safety above all else. We understand that when you entrust your child to us, you expect them to return home safely. As we approach the end of the school year, which can be a challenging time for some students, we want to assure you that our dedicated counselors, including our partners from Kaiser in the Wellness Center, are available to support your child during this difficult time.
Adrian Manriquez
Acting Principal
Congrats to the students who participated in HOST Showcase Night on Friday night and a special thanks to Ms. Pablo and staff for putting it together.
Remember to turn in your laptops and chargers on Monday! All laptops and chargers not turned in will be charged $350 and $50 respectively.
The next WMS PTSA meeting is on Wednesday, June 12 in the Library from 6:30-8:00pm. Come to hear how to get more involved, support our school community, and share your questions.
Mark your calendars for Field Day (seeking more volunteers) please email the volunteer coordinator jsgriesemer@seattleschools.org if you are available Monday, June 17 from 2:00-4:00 pm.
Yearbook is Coming!
The yearbook is in, and it is full of memories to last a lifetime. We have a VERY limited supply. It is $30 for a hardcover, 80-page book! The yearbook includes all the WMS sports, clubs, and more! You can click this link or send $30 with your kid to give to Ms. Washington.
Please also consider donating an extra $30 to help provide a student with a copy: Buy the yearbook
Listen to Music to Start the Summer
The Orchestra Pops Concert will be held on June 11, 2024, at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria.
The final Band Concert of the year will take place on June 13, 2024, at 6:30 pm in the gym.
Friday Field Trips & Academic Prep This Summer with HOST
P.A.L.S. Summer Camp 2024 has a registration deadline of June 17th. The first 25 students to submit completed forms will be invited to an ice cream social. The camp schedule includes academic focus in the mornings, enrichment classes in the afternoons, and field trips on Fridays. Free transportation, lunch, and snacks are provided. For any inquiries, please contact Mrs. Pablo at pepablo@seattleschools.org.
Preparing for 2024-25 School Year
If your student has an appointment with their health care provider during the summer, this is the perfect time to bring a Medication Authorization Form and check on your student’s immunization status. See SPS Immunization Page for more information. Quick link for Required Immunizations for School Year 2024-2025.
For students entering 7th Grade in the fall:
The Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) vaccine is a booster vaccine which continues to protect your child against these diseases. All students attending 7th grade must have one dose of the Tdap vaccine given at or after age 10 to be in immunization compliance for school.
May 24 Bulletin
Hello Families,
Thank you so much for your kind words since last week’s email. I continue to be excited about leading the building forward as we finish this year strong. I have been with SPS for over 10 years as a Language Arts teacher at Madrona (then, K-8) and Meany Middle School. I joined WMS to serve as a house administrator before becoming an Assistant Principal. In my three years at WMS, I have seen lots of change, but the best change is to see our scholars grow academically and socially. Here are few things to note:
- Ms. Baker took a group of students this past Thursday to visit the campus of Seattle University! Scholars were excited to think about college and career.
- Mr. To will be taking Concert Orchestra students to Music in the Park to showcase their talents at Tacoma’s Stadium HS June 1st to highlight their talents!
- Who did it!?!? Mr. Ritchie’s theater class will be performing CLUE for students the week of June 10 – 14th with a special viewing for their family on June 13th and 14th.
Adrian Manriquez
Acting Principal
Reminder: No school Monday, May 27 to honor Memorial Day.
The next WMS PTSA meeting is on Wednesday, June 12 in the Library from 6:30-8:00pm. Come to hear how to get more involved, support our school community, and share your questions.
Mark your calendars for Field Day (seeking more volunteers) please email the volunteer coordinator jsgriesemer@seattleschools.org if you are available Monday, June 17 from 2:00-4:00 pm.
Yearbook is Coming!
It’s that time! The WMS yearbook is now for sale. It is $30 for a hardcover, 80-page book full of this year’s memories! The yearbook includes all the WMS sports, clubs, and more! You can click this link or send $30 with your kid to give to Ms. Washington.
Please also consider donating an extra $30 to help provide a student with a copy: Buy the yearbook
Spirit Gear Store Open!
For the next week, we have an online spirit gear store open. Gear will be shipped directly to your house!
Let Mr. Oshins lmoshins@seattleschools.org or Ms. Lewis halewis@seattleschools.org know if you have any questions!
Nurse Nash’s Notes
Please encourage your student to pack a reusable water bottle for school. Drinking water is important for your health and prevents dehydration. According to the CDC, there are numerous benefits to drinking water including preventing dehydration. Dehydration can cause unclear thinking, result in mood change, and cause your body to overheat.
Over 200 water reusable water bottles have been distributed to students throughout this school year, thanks to a charitable donation! We are currently low on our supply of reusable water bottles. If your family would like to donate a reusable water bottle, your student can drop off donations in the Nurse Office.
Orchestra Pops Concert
- Date: June 11, 2024
- Time: 6:30 pm
- Location: Cafeteria
Band Concert
- Date: June 13, 2024
- Time: 6:30 pm
- Location: Gym
P.A.L.S. Summer Camp 2024
- Registration Deadline: June 17th
- Bonus: The first 25 students to turn in completed forms will be invited to an ice cream social.
- Schedule:
- Mornings: Academic focus
- Afternoons: Enrichment classes
- Fridays: Field trips
- Free transportation, lunch, and snacks.
- Contact: Mrs. Pablo pepablo@seattleschools.org
H.O.S.T. Showcase
The H.O.S.T. Showcase is scheduled for Friday, June 7th from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm. This family-friendly event promises an exciting mix of activities, including food, prizes, and performances! It’s important to note that all students must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver to attend this engaging event.
Greetings, Families of Washington Middle School!
I’m excited to be your Acting Principal for the remainder of the school year. Even though Teacher Appreciation Week is over, I want to reiterate our love for our teachers and staff here at Washington Middle School. We truly have some of the best in the district:
- Elijah from Mr. Ritchie’s class won a nationwide contest for best Black History rap for grades 6-12. His class won prizes and Elijah will be working with a local rap/hip hop artist to professionally record his work.
- Ms. McKinney won the 2024 Alliance for Education Philip B. Swain Excellence in Education award for her work in school counseling here at WMS.
- The Asian Pacific Islander club went with Ms. Tino to the University of Washington to attend a cultural celebration for AAPI Month.
We have a lot of great events for the end of the school year, so be on the lookout for dates and times in your e-mail and text messages!
Adrian Manriquez
Acting Principal
PTSA Newsletter
There is a new PTSA newsletter out!
PTSA Fundraising is Now!
Take a peek inside the school with student reporters. See interviews with teachers, staff, and students. Learn how the PTSA helps our school community and how to get involved! Donate to the PTSA.
Spirit Gear Store Open!
For the next 2 weeks, we have an online spirit gear store open. Gear will be shipped to your house and a portion of each item purchased will be donated to our ASB! You can access it using this link:
Let Mr. Oshins lmoshins@seattleschools.org or Ms. Lewis halewis@seattleschools.org know if you have any questions!
MAP Reading Test in Social Studies Next Week
MAP reading testing will take place in social studies classes Wednesday – Friday, May 22-24. Students should bring their charged laptop with them to class ready to show how much they have improved in reading!
BARC Mentoring Applications Out Now!
Applications for the Belonging and Relationship Crew are now available! BARC is our student-led 6th grade orientation and mentoring program. Student leaders who want to help lead 6th grade orientation in the fall can pick applications up from Ms. Kirby (Rm. 131) or Mr. Martinson (Rm. 138) and turn them back in no later than Friday, May 24. Students chosen to participate will be expected to come to training at school the last week of August and participate in 6thh grade orientation the day before school begins.
P.A.L.S. Summer Camp 2024
Registration Forms due by June 17th. Forms can be found in the library, main office, HOST board and cafeteria. The first 25 to turn in completed forms will be invited to an ice cream social! Students will be doing math, reading, and writing practice in the mornings and enrichment classes in the afternoon. There will be field trips every Friday as well! Transportation, lunch, and snacks will be available. For any questions, please contact Mrs. Pablo pepablo@seattleschools.org.
Reminder: Last day of all H.O.S.T. Programs are on May 30th.
H.O.S.T. Showcase Night on June 7th
On Friday, June 7th 5:30-7pm, join us for an evening of family friendly fun filled with food, arts, interactive exhibits, games, prizes, and performances. H.O.S.T. participants are excited to share their work and creations with you all. Please note that all students must be accompanied by a parent and/or caregiver to attend.
Good evening families! March Newsletter
Your voice matters! We’re gathering input to shape a strong future for our school, and we need your insights on safety, security, fairness, belonging, and academics at WMS. Please take 6 minutes to fill out the Washington Middle School survey.
Together, we can create a positive learning environment for all. We’ll share the results with all our leadership groups to ensure everyone hears your voice.
Take care of yourselves and each other,
Washington Middle School Admin Team
Sign-up for Sports Physicals at the Washington Wellness Center
It’s time to get ready for spring sports which begin in March — Co-ed Track, Boys Soccer and Girls Volleyball
Is your child interested in participating in spring sports? Sports are a wonderful way to help your child develop physical skills, get exercise, make friends, have fun, learn teamwork, learn to play fair, and improve self-esteem.
Did you know sports physicals can done at the Washington Wellness Center for registered students for free? March is a busy time for clinics performing these sports physicals, and you may need to wait weeks to get an appointment, so schedule as soon as possible.
To access services, parents/guardian(s) need to complete a registration packet. Stop by the Wellness Center to get a registration packet or register online. Access the Wellness Center Registration online consent forms:
Please call the Wellness Center at 206-326-3037 if you have any questions or to schedule an appointment to avoid missing any deadlines for your child to join their favorite sport.
ELA: 6-8 ELA Instructional Materials Adoption Update
As part of the SPS adoption process, a field test of the identified 6-8 ELA instructional materials finalists will take place Feb. 1 – March 6. The purpose is to test out the three resources selected for advancement and to gather feedback about teachers’ and students’ experiences.
The three finalists are Inquiry By Design, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Into Literature, and McGraw Hill Study Sync.
Learn more about the adoption and the finalists.
The focus of this field test will be an argument unit.
Find the participating buildings and corresponding curriculums.
During the field test, the ELA department will be gathering data aligned to the adoption criteria, observing classrooms by invitation only, and learning about each program. On March 6, field test teachers will take part in a panel discussion identifying the pros and cons of the tested curriculums so that the adoption committee can make a more informed final selection.
All stakeholders will have an opportunity to provide feedback on the three finalists. The feedback window will be open Feb. 1 through March 1.
You can contact Kathleen Vasquez kavasquez@seattleschools.org for more information.
Semester 2 begins on Thursday, February 1st!
During Advisory (1/30/24) students received a hard copy of their new schedule.
Each student received:
- Hard copy of their schedule
- A schedule change form
- Form used to request an elective change. Students were walked through how to fill out the forms at the start of the school year. School counselors will be holding a table at lunches to support students with completing the form and turning it in for review.
- Most students have 1-2 new electives, unless they were registered for a yearlong elective option.
- Students may fill out one form to identify requested schedule change(s).
- Students will be notified if a schedule change has been approved and may check Schoology OR the Source for updates.
** Counselors will deliver updated schedules that are approved based on available space in requested elective.
Until a change is made, students should continue to follow the schedule they have been provided.
Schedule changes will be open for 10 days. Forms will be available until Thursday, February 8th.
Seattle Public Schools’ First Bell is Spotlighting Washington Middle School!
First Bell, the Seattle Public Schools districtwide news broadcast, is in its second season, and they are excited to highlight the brilliant work happening in our schools. Check out the latest episode of First Bell!
This year, First Bell is doing all-school takeovers which means one lucky school is selected each month to host the show. Washington Middle School has been selected to host the February episode! More than 30 students have served as anchors and news correspondents on the show. Students get a chance to display their skills while learning a little bit about the TV broadcast and journalism industry.
Students will be featured on the SPS website, social media (including YouTube), and the SPS TV public access station.
The next episode will air on Wednesday, Feb. 14. Filming will take place on Thursday, Feb. 1, on the WMS campus!
We are so excited that the talent of our Junior Huskies will be showcased! Go Junior Huskies!
Good Afternoon & Happy New Year Washington Middle School Families!
We are in our fourth week of school since the start of the new year, and we anticipate great things happening! My mantra for the new year is, “Great things are in store for 2024!”
We remain positively engaged as a staff and administration team and are hopeful for the receipt of gains from our earnest investment and belief in our students. We have wonderful students at Washington Middle School! Overall, there is a small percentage of students who choose to not be compliant. For them it is the relationships that have been built and a commitment to accountability, that keeps things afloat.
Thank you! Teachers and all staff of WMS you come each day ready to serve. Our students need your best efforts and belief in their ability to soar and shine en route to their purpose for being on this earth. Your long hours and preparation are noted!
Citrus Fund-Raiser: Thank you! Friends of Washington Music conducted a successful fundraiser! Thanks to all of you who supported by purchasing a crate of fresh fruit. I bought grapefruit and it is superb!
Music Teacher Funding for 2024-25: As stated in a prior message from me, our budget is not likely going to increase during this district-wide deficit phase. For this reason, we will have the same situation we had last year, and that is the inability to fully fund a second music teacher. Friends of Washington Music and I have been in communication since the summer. We currently are looking to our district to provide guidance for how funds that are raised for our school may be used for the music position and other school related needs we need funding for.
School Nurse Nash:
To all 6th grade families —
The Strength and Difficulty Questionnaire (SDQ) will be given to 6th graders at WMS starting on January 22nd in their Language Arts class. The SDQ is given to 6th (and 9th) grade students attending FEPP levy‑supported schools. The questionnaire was designed to try and identify students who may be struggling in different areas of their lives. Please contact Nurse Nash with questions or to opt your student out. Email – sanash@seattleschools.org or Phone – 206‑252‑2607.
Seattle Public Schools News:
Prepare for WIDA Annual Assessment for Multilingual Students
We are required to annually assess all students K-12 who are eligible for English language development (ELD) services. We do this with an assessment called WIDA ACCESS.
The 2024 annual WIDA assessment window is Jan. 29 – March 22.
2023-24 Family Income Survey (This survey assists with school funding and planning. It is confidential!!! Please respond!!!)
Family Income Survey in English
Translated Surveys
Good morning WMS families,
I hope you all are doing well on this sunny but cold Friday.
Student Led Conferences Next Week!
Please be advised that Wednesday, November 22, 2023 is not a school day at Washington Middle School. On Wednesday, we will hold student-led conferences. Our first day of student-led conferences will be this Saturday, the 18th.
If you have not been contacted to schedule a conference, please contact your child’s advisory teacher to schedule one.
No School Thursday and Friday, November 23-24, 2023 – Thanksgiving Holiday
Amazon Fresh, Walgreens, and Neighboring Businesses
Thank you for talking to your students about coming directly to school and not lingering at neighboring businesses before or after school. I send this message in response to multiple calls from store managers and adults who are witnessing daily groups of students hanging out. Please know that we are unable to intervene or protect students when they are off campus.
Cell Phone Use
Currently, students are allowed to use their phones before school, during lunch, and after school. Most students are abiding by this. However, we have learned that there are students who are using their phones to facilitate the coordination and planning of concerning events. For this reason, please know that parents/guardians of students who are abusing their phone privilege may be contacted to inform them that their student(s) will no longer have the privilege of using their phones during the school day until further advised.
Seattle Public Schools requires students to be in compliance for their required immunizations to attend school. Immunization exclusion will start on February 1, 2024. Nurse Stephanie Nash sent an email or Talking Point on Wednesday, 11/15, to all families whose student is missing one or more of their vaccines. Please check messages and contact Nurse Nash with questions or concerns.
Email – sanash@seattleschools.org or Phone – 206-252-2607.
The Kaiser Wellness Center at Washington Middle School can provide vaccines. More information about the Kaiser Wellness Center at Washington Middle School and there is a place to submit online consent
In closing, I appreciate your kind emails and perspective as parents. Your support and insight is appreciated. Please keep it coming!
Evie Taylor
Washington Middle School
Good evening!
November 10 – This week’s bulletin comes in the form of our monthly newsletter. There’s so much goodness happening here at Washington Middle School and so much to be grateful for.
Washington Middle School Administrative Team
big round of applause for Mr. Oshins’ Leadership Class for outstandingly leading their first assembly! The event was filled with fun activities like Musical Chairs, Tug of War, and lots of candy! Special gratitude to Ms. Pan, Ms. McKinney, Ms. Tinsley, Mr. Shinn, our new science teacher, Ms. Hueston, along with Ms. Linick, Mr. Pharis, Mr. deCarteret, and Mr. Oshins for their support.
Student-Led Conferences During Thanksgiving Week
Join us to understand better what your student is learning in class and how you can help them succeed. More information on how you can schedule your conference will be shared by advisory teachers soon. Virtual formats are available!
Election Day Approaching
November 7th is just around the corner! Make sure to vote and let your voice be heard.
Music Program Citrus Sale
It’s the Friends of Washington Music (FOWM) Citrus Sale season! The sale supports the music program at Washington Middle School, contributing towards equitable access to music education, instruments, travel, private lessons, and more. Order a box of fruit to support Friend of Washington. Each 20-pound box of fruit is priced at $40. Orders are open until November 20, with pick-up on December 1.
First Quarter Ends on November 8
Most teachers have deadlines for late work submission. If you have any queries about your student’s current progress, don’t hesitate to contact their teachers.
DonorsChoose Request
Vision Referrals
Vision screenings for 7th Graders were completed in October. Referral letters have been sent home. If you need assistance finding a provider or don’t have eye insurance, please contact Nurse Nash.
Stephanie Nash, School Nurse
Donation Drive
We are conducting a donation drive through the end of November. We appreciate contributions of unused toiletries, new socks & underwear, and gently used or new shoes and jackets (large sizes encouraged). Please drop off your donations in the collection bin in the Nurse’s Office.
Picture Retakes
Yuen Lui Studio will be at Washington Middle School for make-up and retake photos on Monday, November 6. Details are as follows:
- Missed picture day? Preorder photos here: 2023-24 Washington Middle School Retake Day Pre-orders 11/6
- Preordered and want a retake? Return your original portrait package for a complimentary retake.
- View and order photos from picture day: 2023-24 Washington Middle School Picture Days
- ID cards will be printed for makeup/new student photos, but not for retake photos.
We thank you all for your unwavering support of our community. Please take care of yourselves and each other.
Washington Middle School Administrative Team
Hello WMS Families!
On October 7, 2024, we unexpectedly and suddenly lost my younger brother. We were close! In days to come I will endeavor to continue to serve our school community, but at times I may not be as engaging. I am doing my best one day at a time, and I am thankful for a great staff, admin team and admin secretary.
Bathroom Policy:
Please know that students have opportunities to use restroom facilities between each of six class periods, at lunch and during class if needed. To decrease inappropriate use of restroom facilities, it is imperative that we, of course, still allow students to use restrooms as needed, while also monitoring so that students who have chosen to use this time to cause plumbing issues, instigate fights, etc. are discouraged to engage this way.
If your child has a documented medical concern, and other accommodations are needed, please do inform our school nurse, Nurse Nash.
Halloween: Tuesday, October 31, 2023
As you know, we have many diverse cultures, religions, ideologies, and belief systems at Washington Middle School. As Principal and staff, we endeavor to be inclusive. However, the way inclusivity manifests at times, may not be perceived as inclusive, no matter how well-intentioned.
One example is the observance of Halloween. Many do not celebrate Halloween and avoid participation in that which is often symbolized by black cats, witches, ghosts, spooky images and sounds, evil spirits, etc. I have led schools that decided to make Halloween theme based, (i.e., Harvest, Book Characters, etc.), non-blood and gore or “spooky”. If students want to wear costumes, I ask that they chose something that does not impede instruction, is easy to wear throughout the day and is something that does not have blood and gore as part of their attire.
Parent Teacher Conferencing:
5-7:30 PM on November 20 and 21 and
8:30-4 PM on Saturday, November 19
Parents, please do plan to attend our upcoming conferencing at WMS. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear how your child is progressing and to learn what you may do to assist. If you need translation services, please do not let this keep you from participating. If you can bring someone with you to assist with translation that would be ideal. Otherwise, please let us know as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made for translation. We really want to get our participation rate up this year and ask that you please schedule and come!
All for now,
Evie Taylor, Principal
Washington Middle School
Donation Drive
We need some items this year for students. We will be doing a donation drive through the end of November. For those of you who can contribute, please drop off the following items in the collection bin in the Nurse’s Office:
- Toiletries (unused items – deodorant, soap, menstrual products, toothpaste, etc.)
- Socks & Underwear (new)
- Shoes (gently used or new—large sizes encouraged)
- Jackets (gently used or new—large sizes encouraged)
Thank you all so much for your support of our community!
Vision and Hearing Screening
Nurse Nash will be doing the mandated Vision and Hearing screening for 7th graders on Monday, October 23rd during WA State History classes.
Please let her know if you have a 6th or 8th grade student you feel would benefit from a screening and she will try to get them in while she has the vision screening equipment.
This week, you can find all of our WMS news in our Monthly Newsletter
Some highlights from the Monthly Newsletter:
Parental Note Needed for Local Business Hangouts
It has been brought to our attention that there are Washington Middle School students hanging out daily at various businesses before and after school. (Amazon Fresh, Walgreens, etc.) During this time it has been reported that students are gathering and engaging in behaviors that often lead to confrontations and fights.
This afternoon, I announced to students that they may not hang out at local businesses unless they have a note from their parents. Please know that we cannot monitor your child’s safety if they are not on school grounds. It is hoped that students will come to school on time and not hang out in places unsupervised. Additionally, it is recommended that students go home or to a safe, supervised place after school dismissal.
New Hallway Procedure
Beginning Monday, October 9th, Washington Middle School will implement a new sign-out procedure.
- Students will be able to leave the classroom to get water or use the restroom four times per quarter for each class period.
- Students will need to sign out before leaving to use the restroom or get water using the sign-out sheet available in the yellow folder in each classroom.
- Students will need to use a Hall Pass to leave the room and navigate the halls.
- Students should take about ~5 minutes. Students gone for an extended period of time will be referred to the office for safety.
- Students who are late to class will lose hall pass privileges for that period.
We recognize there are students who may have accommodations based on their IEP, 504, or medical needs. In addition, this policy would not apply to students who need to see a nurse or receive a note to see a staff member. However, those students would need an appropriate pass. In addition to the Hall Pass, students will be able to navigate the halls through the use of nurse pass or the small blue pass to see an adult.
In order to support this rollout, we will be having an Advisory Lesson on Monday, October 9th, to share with students.
Donors Choose
The library was fortunate to get many projects funded by donations through Donors Choose over the summer. We currently have projects for:
- Graphing notebooks for the math department
- Book Club books and board games for our Reading Intervention class
- WMS shirt for our GSA club
- Masks and hand sanitizer for all of our classrooms
Check out our Donors Choose to see details. Consider sharing the link with friends and family on social media to support WMS. All donations will be doubled on October 11th!
Seattle University welcomed scholars to school at the High Five Event! Students walked toward the entrance of our school on red carpet, dance-worthy music, festive balloons, and lots of cheering! Our WMS admin, counselors, staff, SU student-athletes congratulated our Jr. Huskies on their accomplishment of completing the first month of school and encouraged them to keep going strong! A huge thanks to Seattle U for their support of WMS and for the planning and coordination of the event by Nakiya Baker!
Curriculum Night was well attended! Thank you, parents and students, for coming out and getting a gist of what a day in the life of a middle school student at WMS can be like. It was a pleasure meeting so many parents last night! We look forward to seeing you, and parents not able to attend, at upcoming events!
Evie Taylor, Principal
Washington Middle School
You can still leave feedback here for Curriculum Night and possibly win a WMS prize
Preorder Student Portraits
Yuen Lui Studio will photograph individual portraits at Washington Middle School on Monday, October 2.
Families can preorder photos 2023-24 Washington Middle School Picture Day 10/2 (enter your email address and select your package; separate orders are required for each student, including siblings).
- Print orders will be shipped to the school in approximately three weeks after the picture day.
- Digital orders will be sent via email from no-reply@imagequix.com in approximately three weeks after the picture day (use no-reply@imagequix.com to search your inbox/spam folders).
Ultimate Frisbee Game
Saturday, September 30 at Ingraham High School
Washington Middle School vs Salmon Bay @1:30
Washington Middle School vs Jane Addams @2:30
Game Highlights
Last week’s game We won – Result was a 7-5 victory!!!
- WMS seventh and eighth graders came out to Ingraham HS for our match. Veronica, Nor, and David coached.
- Our energy and defense highlighted the game. We were able to apply pressure to create difficult throwing windows, and our downfield coverage stayed close enough to generate several miscommunication turnovers.
- Our sidelines were vocal to help our deeper defenders, to give them notice when a longer throw came out, and we were able to adjust and get several heads-up blocks.
Girls Soccer Game
Saturday, September 30 at Cleveland High School @ 11:00am
Washington Middle School vs Jane Addams
MAP Testing
During the next two weeks, students will be taking the MAP (measurement of academic progress) in reading and math. It will take about 1.5 class periods to take, and students will be taking it in their Social Studies class or their Math class.
The test is a smart test which means the more questions a student gets right, the tougher the assessment gets. Conversely, when students get questions wrong, the test adjusts to find the right level for them. As a school, we seek to be data-driven in our work to ensure that we know every student by story, strength, and need. The MAP is just one data point that helps our faculty and staff ensure that your student gets the resources they need to be ready for high school.
You will be able to see your students’ scores on The Source when testing has wrapped up at the end of next week.
If you have any questions, please contact Principal Evie Taylor at eataylor@seattleschools.org.
Seattle Visiting Nurse Association (SVNA) Vaccine Clinics.
There is a vaccine clinic sponsored by the SVNA in the Washington Middle School gym tomorrow, Saturday, 9/30 (9am – 3pm) in the gym. Registration and information about vaccine clinic SVNA
Hello Parents/Guardians!
We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming Curriculum Night, Thursday, September 28, 2023, 5:30 – 7:30 PM. This is not the time to conference with teachers, but it is a time that you will be able to meet your child’s teachers and experience a shortened version of what your child’s day is like.
Regarding our school climate and expectations, we are working on how to communicate with peers when there is conflict and misunderstandings. We are encouraging students to seek the assistance of adults early on and before situations escalate. Please talk with your child about the importance of being respectful and helpful, not demeaning, and harmful. We are learning and growing together.
As always if you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask. You are needed and valued!
Evie Taylor, Principal
Washington Middle School
Respiratory Illnesses and COVID-19
The SPS Respiratory Illness Response webpage has been updated with information for the 2023-24 school year. Please review this page for details on how to respond to COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses.
Is My Child Too Sick to Go to School, a guide for parents in multiple languages.
Vaccine Clinics
Dates for the Seattle Visiting Nurse Association Vaccine Clinics throughout the district have been announced. There are two clinics scheduled at Washington Middle School in the Gym on Saturday, 9/30 (9am – 3pm) and Saturday, 10/14 (9am – 3pm.) Clinic dates and times through the district as well as registration information.
Ultimate Frisbee
Game Day: Saturday, September 23
Location: Ingraham High School
The ultimate frisbee program is competing today at 2:30 in their first game of the season vs Hamilton Middle School – and it’s not too late to join! We could use more 6th graders! All experience levels are welcome!
Ultimate Frisbee Practices: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 3:45pm – 5:15pm
Girls Soccer:
Begins Tuesday, September 26 at 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Monthly Newsletter including information about laptops, sports, important dates, and more!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Your children are awesome! I can sense such immense potential and as a staff, we are learning how to actualize that potential. Please do help us in this journey by communicating with teachers the wisdom and knowledge you have regarding how your child best learns and those things dear to them.
As an instructional leader, I am collaborating with our staff to make our school climate one that is inviting, inclusive, and embraces differences. Your child spends more time at school than they do at home! My philosophy is that school must be academic, social, and an outlet to develop non-academic skills and talents.
Music Program:
For the 2023-24 school year, we were authorized to make a change that allowed us to cover a second music teacher with a concentration in Band. This will likely be an option next school year. For this reason, I am transparently informing you that unless there is a change in our school budget, next year, we will be in the same place. Presently, we are investigating how needed funds and donations can be utilized within our district guidelines.
Please know that we endeavor to be mindful of the diverse beliefs, religions, and ideologies represented in our school. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. You may communicate in your language other than English. I will find someone to interpret.
Evie Taylor, Principal
Washington Middle School
Monthly Newsletter including information about laptops, sports, and more!
September 8 Bulletin
Dear Students, Parents, and Faculty,
Greetings Washington Middle School Families!
Our first 3 days of school have been great! It has been exciting meeting students and observing in classrooms. Teachers were asked to spend time the first 3 days of school assessing and getting to know their students, in addition to telling them a little about themselves and why they have chosen to be at WMS.
I see great potential and a productive year ahead! Thank you for entrusting your children to us!
Looking forward to meeting you,
Evie Taylor, Principal
Washington Middle School
Medication Reminders
Students cannot take any medications (including over-the-counter medications and vitamins) at school without a Medical Authorization Form. We must have the following:
- Written medication authorization form signed by a licensed medical provider and parent
- Current medication in prescriptive container with prescription label/student name or the original container for non-prescription medications.
All medications must be secured and taken in the nurse office unless otherwise authorized and stated in care plan (this is reserved for Life-Threatening medications such as insulin, EpiPens, and asthma inhalers.)
Curriculum Night
Meet your student’s teachers on September 28 from 5:30 to 7 PM. Families will have a chance to walk through student schedules. More information to come.
Coaching Help Needed
We’re thrilled to announce the return of Mrs. Jessica Kronstad as our Head Girls Soccer Coach! Jessica’s experience and passion for the game make her a valuable addition to our team once again.
If you or someone you know is interested in coaching, we have some open positions for the upcoming season:
- Ultimate Frisbee Head Coach
- Ultimate Frisbee Assistant Coach
- Assistant Coach for Girls Soccer
The Fall Season is just around the corner, running from September 23rd to November 4th. It’s the perfect opportunity to get involved and make a positive impact on our young athletes’ lives. Without coaches, we won’t be able to have a sports season for students.
Stipend details for the season:
- Head Coaches: $1,358.69
- Assistant Coaches: $815.46
Don’t miss out on this chance to be part of our coaching team and contribute to our students’ growth and success. If you’re interested or have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Boyd isboyd@seattleschools.org.
Have a great weekend!
Washington Middle School Administration Team