Washington Middle School

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Building Leadership Team

Washington Middle School Building Leadership Team (BLT)

The Washington Middle School Building Leadership Team (BLT) is a group consisting of WMS teachers, support staff, administration, parents, community partners and students. The BLT has 4 areas of focus for Washington Middle School:

2023-24 BLT Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Goals: To promote highly engaged classrooms and start the necessary work to close the academic gap at Washington Middle School.

7:35 a.m. in Mr. Martinson’s Room, Washington Middle School

  • Facilitator: Manriquez
  • Notetaker: Shinn


  • Evie Taylor, Principal/BLT
  • Ahmed Abdulqadir, Math SMS
  • Elijah Hardy, SAEOP Rep
  • Adrian Manriquez, AP
  • Kelly Rose Kirby, Social Studies SMS
  • Ryan Martinson, BLT
  • Hannah Lewis, House Admin
  • Marcus Spiess, ELA SMS
  • Martha Stevens, SpEd SMS
  • Evin Shinn, Literacy Coach
  • Ryan Dix, SEA Rep
  • Olivia Prestis, Science SMS/BLT
  • Joanne Griesemer, Parent Rep/BLT
  • Nakiya Baker, CBO Rep

Opening – Introductions/Giraffe Tie


  • 5-7:30 p.m. on November 20 and 21
  • 8:30-4 p.m. on Saturday, November 19
  • Waiver Day proposed for November 22(If yes vote, then staff can choose to work on Saturday for conferences and take Wednesday. If no vote, then staff will work on Wednesday with kids and
  • No objections from BLT for Waiver Day proposal
  • Contract Language: “November Conference Days. Three consecutive days for conferences immediately preceding Thanksgiving Day.”
  • October 25 – Vote on waiver (2 days needed)
  • November 8
    • Linebridge Review (better
    • How SLCs Work
    • Calendly Intro by Prestis
    • Round 1 of phone calls with verbal/written confirmation of appointment
  • November 15
    • How to ask an IA for support with interpreting
    • Round 2 of phone calls with verbal/written confirmation of appointment
  • Advisory will have students make handwritten invitation.
  • Students will work on presentations in Advisory.

BLT/IC Combined Proposal

  • Manriquez will follow up on stipends for BLT and SMS
  • What do the current bylaws say? Missing ASB reps
  • BLT members were just voted on for 2 year term last year
  • Understand need for staff elections AND admin selections
  • New bylaws would be in effect next school year, but BLT would adapt to follow this year.
  • Proposal:
    • Union reps automatically are on the BLT since both are elected positions
    • department Subject Matter Specialist are selected by admin,
    • SAEOP elected,
    • ASB representatives (?), parent representatives, and CBO representatives
  • All staff input not needed for BLT and IC revisions for by-laws
  • Manriquez will get copies from other schools when they have had smaller staffs
  • Decision Making Matrix:
    • BLT would need to revise their bylaws, then vote.
    • IC would need to have a say as well.

Action Steps

Who is responsible?Action
EveryoneTalk to constituents about SLCs and potential vote
ManriquezCheck in on payments for SMS and BLT
DixMake a ballot for waiver day
PrestisMake Calendly video (Shinn can show you on Teams – it’s easiest)
BLTRevise by-laws
ICLook at new revised bylaws soon
ManriquezFind info from other blended BLT/ICs
TaylorUpdate BLT on Racial Equity Team