Washington Middle School

FAQs for 2022-23 School Year

FAQs for 2022-23 School Year

The 2022-23 school year is upon us, but it seems Target was ready in July! As we approach September 7th (our first day of school), you will find regularly updated information and answers to frequently asked questions below.

What school supplies are needed for my student this year?

Students should have:

  • A backpack/book bag
  • Pencils, writing utensils
  • Composition books for each of their core classes (e.g., Math, Science, Humanities)
  • Reusable water bottle (optional)

Please note that if your student doesn’t have these materials, contact your student’s teachers or our counseling office, and they can help your family obtain materials.

Is there a way that I can connect to other caregivers in Washington MS?

You can talk to families unofficially here:

Seattle Schools is not responsible for the content of those pages.

What are the most important dates to remember, including breaks and holidays?

List of chool dates

Where do students go on the first day of school? It sure seems like a lot.

You’re right; it is. Unfortunately, because we had school seismic renovations, we weren’t able to do a schoolwide orientation. (Luckily, we can withstand an earthquake now! Thank you, voters!)

Students will go to their advisory class on the first day of school. From there, they will meet students in their house, get a tour of the school, learn about each other and find out what their schedule is.

What information can I find on a student’s schedule?

  • All Language Arts and Social Studies classes are together. We call this a ‘block.’ Much like in many nearby schools (both independent and feeder high schools), students learn texts within the contexts in which they were written. They will have the same teacher and will receive one grade for the course.
  • Many students will have two electives. Some may have one or none if they are enrolled in Reading Enrichment or Math Empowerment for recommended improvement in math or literacy for high school success.
  • You can also find what period they have a class (Exp), what semester they have the course (Trm), the teacher’s name, and the room number.
  • If your student has an IEP, your student’s case manager will be listed under Program Support.
  • You will also find the name of the school teacher-librarian, school nurse, and your student’s school counselor.

My student didn’t get to pick a schedule for this year. Can they change?

All students have been preassigned a schedule. We do not have a formal course selection process available for students at this time. However, once students receive their schedules on the first day of school, they are welcome to request a schedule change (for electives only).

Please note that Reading Enrichment and Math Empowerment are by teacher recommendation only.

The schedule change form is on the school app and is attached as a screenshot to give you an idea of elective options for specific grades.

When and how does my student get their schedule?

School counselors will have a table at the entrance with hard copies of student schedules. Schedules will have room numbers outlined. Again, lots of adults will be present to support students and walk them to their destination. You will be able to preview your student’s schedule on September 6th after 3 pm.

The source, where student schedules and other information will be posted

I don’t see my question answered here. What should I do?

Please e-mail our assistant principals jahesse@seattleschools.org, admanriquez@seattleschools.org and they will be able to get back to you as soon as they are able.